Sunday 1 July 2012

Say Anything

Say Anything...

Director: Cameron Crowe. 
Written By: Cameron Crowe. 
Photography: László Kovács.
Starring: John Cusack, Ione Skye and John Mahoney.  
Year: 1989.
County: USA.

 Almost Famous is one of my favourite movies, and with every Cameron Crowe movie I watch I'm hoping for something I can love as much I do Almost Famous. But unfortunately that movie doesn't seem to exist.

  Say Anything... is one of the last teen movies of the 1980s, staring John Cusack in a Jean-Peirre Melville style trench coat trying to gain the love of intelligent, beautiful enigma played by Ione Skye. 

  Say Anything... is at a disadvantage from the start, having to follow teen movies from the past nine years like Sixteen Candles and Fast Times at Ridgemont High. But unlike those movies, Say Anything... creates a more realistic world without any annoying stoner supporting characters or an overly cocky male lead. 

 This is Cameron Crowe's first film, but all his trademarks are already here; His love of music and his tendency to try and violate your emotions (which he does more successfully in this than he does in other films).   

 I was born in '94 and Say Anything... makes still me nostalgic for a time that I wasn't even alive. When you watch the iconic scene of John Cusack holding up the boom-box, you can't help but think how stupid that would look if he was holding an iPod or a Macbook.

 Say Anything... is funny and fresh, it won't give you that Breakfast Club feeling but it does have a lot to offer.

Score: 3.5/5

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